Recent worldly events can be seen as nature’s way of saying “Go to your room!”. A large portion of the western world is under quarantine. These new conditions are proving difficult for most people. What can employers do for their employees once they get back to work?
How can employers plan and execute events for their personnel in a cost-efficient way and at the same time bring the most benefit to their workforce?
Speaker: Oskar Elmgart
Founder @Tree-bath
Swedish-born Oskar Elmgart is one of the founders of Treebath, a US based company whose aim is to help people disconnect from technology and get back outside. With a Master’s of Science and time in the Swedish Royal Marines, Oskar is accustomed to spending time outside regardless of the weather. He strives to instill in both children and adults the joy of nature that humans so naturally crave. Oskar works with schools, school districts, and local government to provide customized outdoor programming that combats the growing number of health concerns in children and adults attributed to a lack of green time, such as poor concentration, lack of focus, childhood obesity, ADHD, and decreased vision development. Oskar has been interviewed and featured in a variety of publications including National Wildlife Magazine, CNBC, and Swedish NPR. Oskar is a co-author of the forthcoming children’s book “A Bath Without bubbles: Rowan & Jake’s First Treebath.”